Blank Doormat || My Pink Dress || More Fun Doormats (non-DIY) here!
Of all the DIY doormats designs + sayings I've done this one has to be the quickest + most budget friendly as it took just about 90 minutes or less using 4 supplies (blank doormat, card stock, white paint + a sponge brush!) The front porch decor was simply to help others feel + BE HOPPY this spring! Here's how I made this one.
DIY Doormat How To:
1) Printed out, "Be Hoppy" in French Script Size 650 on card stock paper. Then just, letter "B" capitoalized in size 650.
2) Exactor knife to cut inside the "B" for one rectangle then once I was "in" cut the entire letter out with my gold scissors which reeaallllyyy speed up the cutting process!
3) Dabbed white acrylic paint up + down over the DIY card stock, "Be Hoppy" stencil with two coats (basically all the paint!) to make the white bold.
4) Spray with sealer + done!
If you really liked this DIY doormat you might also like the other designs + ideas for other holidays saved here on Instagram under the story highlight, "DIY Doormats."