January 9, 2024

Party Bin || Round Up


Birthday parties, celebrations, to even holidays there’s a few things I keep to reuse over and over as well, put away just in case my youngest wants a similar theme as my oldest. Just in case! 🥳

However 5 supplies seem to be on repeat for me + so I’m not at all surprised to hear we want a “party bin tour." I do love to MAKE NEW THINGS, yet every now and then WHAT I use is not always “new.”

So to start, here are my top 5 party bin supplies I have + use the most. Then if you would like to see a video demo of each in use, you can watch that over on Instagram, here. 

One: Mylar Balloons

Two: Air Pump

Three: Gaffer Tape

Four: Garlands + Paper Hanging decor (full round up here)

Five: Birthday crowns, banners, accessories (round up here )

Everything else I keep is usually based on one color I purposely choose which is present in both girls themes (such as plates, cups + napkins) so for the “themed items,” I purposely MAKE those the more visual part of the party such a DIY decor, party favors + cake toppers.

Funny enough, my oldest is already starting to talk to me about what "theme" she's requesting for 2024... (Last year's puppy party theme here

So we'll circle back to that in May. As I always gear up every year for our "party month of June" with both of my girls bdays celebrated 2 weeks apart. 

Why Yes. 

Yes we do!

Warmly, Steph


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