January 13, 2025

Cherry Heart Box Valentine Basket

valentine basket ideas
 These Cherry Heart Box Baskets are such a fun larger than life twist to a typical Valentine's Day Basket - One my girls are sure to remember!

Since the only skills required to create this one are painting, glue gunning and cutting it's a great larger than life project moms, crafters and creators of all levels can do. Especially if you have our fav craft mats - CHEEKS 2.0 version which has all detachable parts making it easy to complete each step of this DIY. 

Plus, this is one of my fav kind of projects to design for us. An all level one. Ok, now what will you need to MAKE your own at home?


Heart Paper Mache Box's x2

Acrylic Paint (desired colors) I used the following: Crafters Brand - "Pink" + "Flamingo Pink," Deco Art Brand - "Gentle Heather" & FolkArt -"Plum"

CHEEKS 2.0 Craft Mat (High quality, BPA free, Easy to clean - Thick/non-see through)

White Acrylic Paint 

Darker Acrylic Paint Shade (or desired colors) my exact darker shades - pink + purple 

Gold Glitter Card-stock 

Pencil + Scissors

Pink + Purple Streamer or 1-2 Inch Thick Ribbon

Floral wire 

Glue Glun

Directions to MAKE a Cherry Heart Valentines Box Basket:

valentine basket ideas for kids

Setup acrylic paint in the paint pallet of your craft mat (ours is my long time fav + highest quality craft mat on the market in my personal opinion - CHEEKS 2.0 craft mat)

valentine basket ideas for kids

Paint the entire outside of the heart paper mache' box + lid with your desired Valentine colors. Let dry.

TIME SAVING HACK: You can dry your box in 3-5mins with a blow dryer,

Using a thin paint brush, paint a “watermelon or banana shape” slightly away from the edge of the heart in a darker shade of your desired Valentine color. Repeat on other end of heart in a line as shown. Then clean brush in dirty cup.

valentine basket ideas for kids

Now on the outer edge, brush on white acrylic paint in the same "watermelon or banana shape". Clean your paint brush in dirty cup though keep it wet!

valentine basket ideas for kids

Now using your wet/clean paint brush, blend the two acrylic paint colors (your watermelon + bananas)  by swipe through both lines to create your full cherry light reflection. 

 Then let everything dry. 

valentine basket ideas for kids

Place the 2 heart box’s on the back of a gold glitter 12x12 piece of card-stock so the center of both hearts are touching the paper.

Next, taking a pencil start at the top center of the your heart box and draw a “wave” or “shark fin” line between each to create your cherry stem outline. 

valentine basket ideas for kids

Cut around the “wave” and or “Shark fin” about 1 inch away from the line to create your full cherry stem stencil. 

valentine basket ideas for kids

Next glue gun or (gaffer tape) if you want to use the box's again for something else) at the center of your heart box’s. 

valentine basket ideas for kids

 Add on a 3D steamer bow at the top (separate tutorial for that next!) Then fill your heart box’s with all the fun and festive Valentine goodies + give! : )

This was such a fun one to create and with the blow dryer HACK this project is one I feel confident you can create in one sitting. Give or take 30-40 minutes to MAKE both Cherry Heart Valentine Baskets : )

Happy MAKING! Warmly, Steph

This post was sponsored by CHEEKS Brand though the thoughts, opinion, and the this craft design is 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands which support the Mama Jots brand! 

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