(cake pop series)
We give you our last-minute Halloween costume… a shooting star!
Glitter clip C/O Little Miss Lady Shop
This weeks theme "last minute" is our easiest and quickest DIY Costume because you can make it in under 10 minutes!
We used this black tutu dress although you most likely have a black top and bottom already in your little one’s closet. Just be sure you’re ok with them not wearing it again, as this costume requires everything to be glued with a glue gun.
So, here is how I made our DIY last minute Halloween costume. The shooting star!
// 1 \\
Curl 4 colors of ribbon for your shooting star with scissors and then set aside. We used rose gold (1x), gold (1x) and silver (2x).
// 2 \\
Criss-cross one end of each ribbon over the other and wrap tape around all 4 at the top. As shown, then set aside.
// 3 \\
Using a star cookie cutter, place it onto of a silver foam piece. Trace around the start and cut out the pattern.
// 4 \\
Next, glue gun the curled ribbon to the star on the bottom middle of its shape. As shown.
// 5 \\
Then glue gun the curled ribbon and star piece to the top right corner of your little ones’ dress.
// 6 \\
Arrange and organize your curl ribbon as you want it look on top of the black dress. Then glue gun one ribbon curl at a time starting from the bottom of the star and glue gun 3-5 points diagonal down to the bottom of the dress. This way your shooting star stays in place!
// 7 \\
Repeat step 6 for the rest of your curl ribbons until you it looks like the following above.
We’ve had such an amazing amount of positive feedback from our Halloween costume – cake pop series that we plan on doing it again next year! Thank you for all your support, encouragement, and kinds words on our series this past month, as Abby and I have really enjoyed playing dress-up all month long. : )
Now let me know below if you have any ideas for themes next year. And or if there is anything you would like to see in the future!
We are celebrating Steve's Birthday this weekend and finishing up our own Halloween costumes! So I'm really excited to share what we'll be on here soon!!!
Also, did you catch our spooky treat video on instagram yesterday? Go check it out! And I hope you all you have a wonderful weekend!!
Also, did you catch our spooky treat video on instagram yesterday? Go check it out! And I hope you all you have a wonderful weekend!!
Warmly, Steph
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